Hey, check out this student film I made a couple of years ago! It's called "Who Wants Ice Cream" and it was my senior film at CalArts. It's a little over 7 min. long, so it took some time to make. But the animation is stylized, and some parts I didn't even get to animate in time. But enough excuses. I'm proud of this film so check it out! Oh yeah, all the music in this film is property of their copyright holders and is not mine, but I'm not making any money off of it, so there. One last thing, the file it pretty huge, so be patient, and thanks for waiting.
Click here to download "Who Wants Ice Cream" [7:17, 43.9 mb (yikes!)]
Is that dashing portly lad throwing up the sign of the beast in the ice cream shoppe based on anyone? My god he's dashing!
i have been waiting a while to see this again! i remember it from the open show a long time ago...and here it is! schhhaaaaweeet!
thanks sean!
I saw your film a couple years ago when I was visiting my buddy at Cal Arts, very funny!
What are you doing now?
Thanks dudes!
Jerm- Right now I'm trying to work a lot on my own stuff, but I recently finished working on a pilot for Nickelodeon, and it got picked up, so I'm gonna work on that series soon. What're you up to?
I graduated last year from Cal State Long Beach as an Illustrator. I'm doing free-lance and my own stuff, working on a short animated film and my figure drawing skills. I'll have to keep up with your blog! Cool stuff man!
I remember seeing this at one of the producer shows. One of the few shorts that I actually remember. Didn't know you at the time though and I'd never connected you with it until now. Cool.
Yup, that was mine. Good memory Amid!
omg, i loved your short and of course, your artwork. I couldn't stop smiling when I heard the music sample of Bjorks 'Cvalda' song. It went so good during the robot factory scene. c: I shall be adding you to my favorites, totally.
Thanks for the kind words man! Your drawings are pretty awesome as well! You gotta post your film once you're done with it.
Hey, that Jorge is great...so is the little dancing fox man. Hey, you gotta post those drawings you did in that little brown sketchbook that I saw...those were really cool!
oops, I posted my previous comment in the wrong place...I'm smart!
Very fun style!
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