Here are some studies I did from Sergio Leone's epic 'Once Upon A Time in the West'. I tried to capture the magnificent compositions as well as studying the elements of light and dark. I also for the use of the 180 degree line and how it was kept and when it was broken. Anyways, just thought I'd share these sketches, which are just done in black prismacolor.

Charles Bronson's character, the hero essentially, starts off on screen right, but then when he shoots down the bad guys he jumps to screen left. But between the switch are centered shots.

The shot above through the window is awesome. Cheyene is looking on as Peter Fonda, the bad guy, and Charles Bronson, the good guy, are about to duel it out. And they're separated by the window frame! And the frame looks like a cross because one of them is going to die! Amazing!
I bet you'd get even better compositions watching Young Guns II. Now there's a western worth drawing!
Aw...these scans don't do these drawings justice! They look so much better when you're actually holding them.
Very nicely done!
Nice study, really learm a lot and you get to draw at the same time.
these are SUPERB ! great work ! inspiring !
I don't know that sure looks like Noah. Well they are cousins after all. I hope all is well in Cali. I miss it alot , it will always be home to us. Went to sundance yesterday sooo beautiful. you're a talented artist and are sure living it up. Can't wait to see you this summer - Jackie
These are amazing! you did the film plenty of justice
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