
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Katie Rice

My pal Katie over at FunnyCute was bloggin about using photo reference as well as her magical new haircut. She posted some photos of said haircut and so I thought I'd use them for reference. The circle of life... ENJOY!


  1. Hi Aaron,

    I just discovered your blog via Fred's. You've inspired me with your post-its & Katie's magic haircut reference!

    - Wil

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    This is brilliant Mustacheless Sean. I love it!

  3. cool stuff, like the eyes!

  4. Cool new sketches, Sean! Also, you're half Argentine? That's where I'm from! (not sure what this means, I guess I just wanted to point out I'm

  5. Wow,thanks everybody!

    Hey Wil, I don't know where you got "aaron" from, but, Hi, I'm Sean and I'm glad you like my blog!

    And yes Leo I'm half argentine. Horray!

  6. Wow, you made me so pretty Sean! Thanks! These are really nice drawings and I like them a lot (not cause they'e of me, but cause they're well drawn and neatly stylized!).

  7. Very nice. Love the eyes.

  8. you know what I've always liked about your drawings sean, you take risks. you're a risky risk-taker. take that female 3 drawings down for instance. The way her hands are clasped together, that's risky, but you did it. kudos sean, kudos(kudos?).

  9. Nice expressions! Great sketches!!

  10. "Hey Wil, I don't know where you got "aaron" from, but, Hi, I'm Sean and I'm glad you like my blog!"

    Oh shit! ...sorry, man!

    I have no idea why I said that.

    Kind of stupid of me, I know - considering the NAME of your blog!

    Sean, Sean... got it!


  11. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Hey! Just stumbled across your blog. Fun to see these as I used the same reference upon reading her recent posts--I too was inspired to do some cartoons of her new haircut. Since *I* only know her from her blog, though, and have never seen the 3D version, I'm sure these are way off:
    I like yours better! Fun stuff all over your blog. Nice work & keep posting, fer crissakes. : )

  12. Hey Jenny, thanks for the kind words! You're drawings are great! And I'm a fan of your blog as well!
