
Monday, July 25, 2005


As promised, here are some recent drawings on napkins, courtesy of the Disney commissary. Since they're napkins and easily disposable, you don't tend to over-think things and analyze what you're doing. As a result, the drawings come out loose and fun! The problem I face now is that I want all my napkin drawings to come out great, so it kinds defeats the point. I like the fact that these particular drawings are somewhat interactive, with the second half of the vignette on the back side. I think I might start doing more of these, maybe having a set up on one side and a gag on the other.


  1. I'd like to make a suggestion...maybe one day you'd be inspired to do a ping pong napkin drawing.

  2. Dude, do you know how hard that would be? But, I'll find a away, just for you Jorge. I accept your challenge!!!

  3. Heya Sean, great idea with the napkin gags! You could market and sell em to your favorite vegan restaraunts

  4. Anonymous6:23 AM

    hi sean!!
    i luv how you're so free with your work.
